
Recycling Facts: 10 Facts About Recycling That You Should Know

Recycling Facts: 10 Facts About Recycling That You Should Know

There’s a ton of folks out there from this generation who believe in recycling. Some people do it because they want to, while others do it because they’ve been nudged to do it. Recycling really can create an impact in the communities too, so this is something that even more people should start doing. Do your best to reduce garbage, reuse products where appropriate, and recycle products when necessary to minimize their environmental effect.

So the next time you are disposing of your Coke tin, or you plan to change your mobile phone or to throw away the old book, take the time to consider your next move. And while you head to your wastebasket, ask yourself if there was a wiser choice that could have been made. The more you understand about recycling, the more inspired you will get to do it. Recycling not only keeps waste from congesting landfill sites, but it also supplies building resources for the development of new products.

In this post, we’ve gathered 10 fascinating facts to show how critical recycling is and to make sure you know it’s just really worth the extra commitment.

Fascinating Facts About Recycling

Fact 1: The Chance Of Your Food Waste Ending Up In Landfill

A significant portion of household waste, i.e. 8.2 million tons, is waste material that winds up in landfill sites, and is sufficient to fill over 10,000 Olympic pools. Just about 5% of our food wastage is turned away from landfills.

Fact 2: The Ultimate Effect Of Recycling Paper

Reprocessing a mere one ton of papers saves 13 trees, 26,500 liters of water, 2.5 gallons of oil, and 4,100 kilowatts of energy per hour. Usually, a paper may be processed five to eight times before getting disposed of. This is a fairly convincing call for action. Annually, the average employee uses 10,000 sheets of paper. Around 1 billion trees worth of paper is being discarded in the U.S. each year. Paper recycling has risen more than 89 percent since 1990.

Fact 3: Can Aluminum Be Recycled And Reused?

Aluminum can be recycled and reused without qualitative loss. Perhaps the most recycled commodity is the Aluminium cans, at least in the United States. Although this is valid, other types of aluminum can also be recycled. The ordinary person has the chance to recycle over 25,000 cans in their lifetime. Aluminum can be processed from new materials using just 5 percent of the energy that is used to produce the metal. Recycling a single piece of aluminum will save the amount of energy that is required to operate a TV for three hours.

Fact 4: Glass Is As Ancient As Pyramids

It could take 4000 to 1 million years for glass to disintegrate entirely if you do not compost your glass bottle and instead dump it. Glass is 100 percent biodegradable and can be recycled and reprocessed without wear-out many times. Annually a landfill has over 28 billion glass bottles and barrels. Americans toss away about 28 billion jars and containers per year. Recycling a single pint glass saves ample energy to fuel 100-watt bulbs for four hours.

Fact 5: Enough Plastic Is Thrown In Landfills To Circle Our Planet Four Times

Every 30 mins over 2 and a half million plastic bottles are being used and most of them are just discarded instead of being recycled. They can take up to 1,000 years to disintegrate and only 23 percent of reusable water bottles are recycled. Styrofoam never disintegrates in a landfill. Every year the world produces over 14 million tons of Polystyrene. Plastic recycling takes up 88 percent fewer resources than raw materials.

Fact 6: Cardboards Are Also Recyclable – More Than 8 Times

Cardboard processing is an easy and successful way of shaping our climate. When cardboard begins to break down in compost, it produces methane, which is a big greenhouse gas that is 21% stronger than carbon dioxide with global warming potential. One ton of recycled cartons saves 46 liters of oil. One ton of recycled materials saves 9 cubic yards of space used for landfills.

Fact 7: Humans Are Creating A New Type Of Pollution – E-Waste

E-waste accounts for 70 percent of the hazardous contaminants that end up in landfills, including arsenic, cadmium, and mercury. 1.8 million tons of e-waste wrapped up in landfills in 2007. Can we even imagine the technological era of 2020?

Fact 8: Only Recycling Paper Does Not Solve The Problem – Conserve Trees

Half a million trees are cut down every week just to create the Sunday newspapers – that’s more than 2 trillion trees per year. If all of the papers were recycled, we could have saved more than 250 million trees annually.

Fact 9: Organic Food Waste Is A New Way Of Polluting Environment

The average citizen produces more than 4 pounds of garbage a day and about 1.5 tons of household waste a year. Annually and approximately we produce 21.5 million tons of food garbage. It would minimize the emission of the same amount of greenhouse gases if we recycled the food as taking 2 million vehicles off the road. Most businesses and schools began on-site composting of food waste.

Fact 10: How To Recycle Organic Food Waste On-Site?

When in a landfill, decaying food waste starts to break down and releases methane, which is a major greenhouse gas that is four times more powerful than CO2. That is a total of 6.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, or placing an additional one million vehicles on the streets.

Bin-Crusher is an eco-friendly tool that helps to improve hygiene and cleanliness in terms of lifestyle. This system called as food waste disposer machine is useful in households, offices, hotels, schools, and even in large corporations. Soon in food waste disposer, all of these tiny residues will move via the drain, and all the domestic waste kitchens would be screwed into mini sections of all food waste, including soft bones, eggshells, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc. It is a breakthrough with a quick installation and a step towards a greener world of a cooking trash system.


If you have never thought about food waste disposer machine & recycling food and felt it might not be worthy of your attention, you might want to think again. In the immediate future, it can potentially help you to save your money but, most importantly, it’s better for your community. From your side, it doesn’t take too many added hours, and if more citizens do it, then the planet would be a much cleaner place.

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